Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) & 'cides

* YOU ARE WARNED *  In writing this page and those of Global Health Awareness
and The Human Food Chain  I decided that if it were a motion picture it would most certainly have at least an "R" rating: "parents are urged to learn more about the motion picture before taking their younger children with them".  Frankly there are also adults that hide from the truth, don't want to know it, or know the truth and choose ignore it - these adults also fit the "R" restriction.  If you are in the "R" category you may not want to read these pages.

In the late 1960's my class went on a field trip to the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Maryland (USA).  It was an interesting tour telling us about such things as what attracts bees for pollination and searching for solutions to damaged crops by insects and environment.  Most common for farming was the rotation of crops and use of insecticides ('cides).  That visit reminded me of an old "info commercial" years earlier showing a group of children in a room filled with a cloud of DDT - ending with the narrator stating breathing in the cloud had no ill-effects on the children.  As I recall this broadcast was in the late 50's - DDT became available for public use in 1945.  The intent was good for that time, but I will quote an old saying..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions".

In 1962 Rachel Carson wrote the Silent Spring - her book can be found here and it began raising alarms.  DDT was banned in the USA in 1972.

The history of pesticide use lays out the introduction in the 1970's and 1980's of herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides ('cides) - all intended to reduce crop damage.  These 'cides were meant for both vegetation and ground preparation.  Studies were made to determine the impact of ingesting plants that had been exposed to these 'cides.  Manufacturers of these 'cides were responsible for the collection of data and analysis in respect to human impact - the decision was they represented no threat to human or animal life as they would not linger in the body. 

Monsanto (now owned by Bayer) patented glyphosate in the 1970's as the active ingredient in Roundup which came to the market in 1974.

Plant breeding is to procreate a plant. Plant hybridization is by natural effects of two plants combining pollen to create a new plant.  Monsanto went a step further entering genetic modification of plants in 1982 by a process called transgenesis.  
So why has there been an increasing rise of colon cancer and other gastrointestinal issues? There have been multiple studies conducted on GMOs, glyphosate, neonicotinoids. Through supposedly accountable chains of authority these products in the USA are deemed safe as they don't stay inhuman beings long. However I question the impact of these products in our human food chain for any period of time. Countries outside of the USA have banned some if not all of these products.

I would urge my reader to read: Monsanto vs. the World ; GMO Myths and Truths ; Altered Genes, Twisted Truth and Seeds of Deception . These books have a lot of references - they also state that a lot of adverse findings were intentionally suppressed. Those suppressed findings indicated animal ingestion of GMOs led to severe health issues. We have been eating GMOs for decades so nailing down GMOs as a primary health issue will be an extremely difficult task - but I would like to see it happen - and by someone not in any way connected with GMOs.

What do the doctors that take care of your gastrointestinal issues know? One can only guess. If GMOs and 'cides are the lead contributors then the genie in this bottle has been let out. Whatever the actual origin of your issue is it may be medically managed by drugs and not likely cured anytime soon.
