JIM COLEMAN - 2013 NOVA in Delphinus - In August (2013) Jim sent me a photo of his image capture of the nova in Delphinus (a product of single 20 second images: 8" LX200R, Canon T3i, ISO 1600, f4, 20 secs.) This is a reduced image to avoid copyright abuse.  Jim maintains a very informative website you can reach by clicking on his photo.  
The Camelopardalids meteor shower on May 24, 2014 may have been a "bust" but Jennifer Rose Lane took advantage of the event and posted this photograph on Facebook.  Visit her FB page for more fantastic photography!
My first imaging of the Moon with Canon EOS 7D attached directly to the LX-90 ACF (12") giving a focal length of 3.048mm.  April 10, 2014