EXPLORATION - What has gone before...
"Apollo-Soyuz was the first human spaceflight mission conducted jointly by two nations. A Russian Soyuz launched on July 15, 1975, followed by the U.S. Apollo launch on the same day. the two craft docked on July 17, and joint operations were conducted for two full days. Both spacecraft landed safely and on schedule."
Although this flight was not intended for the Moon I have added it for Deke Slayton. Slayton was one of the original "Magnificant 7" Mercury astronauts. Due to medical reasons Deke was not flight cleared until later when we was selected for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. Deke died on June 13, 1993.
Apollo-Soyuz cutaway view
...closing in on Soyuz for docking
Apollo with Soyuz docking adapter
Images courtesy NASA.
Back: Tom Stafford, AlexeyLeonov