Other Special Interests  page 3

How does one try to tell if a UFO is a terrestrial aircraft or something else?  Start with ruling out the obvious.

If it's a bright dot crossing the sky (more visible at night) it is likely a satellite.  If the only lights you see on an object are red and green at opposite points on the craft (and maybe a centered white light) that object is a terrestrial aircraft.  In some cases those lights may not be on during flight.  If it has multiple colored lights like a Christmas tree it is a prank.  If it has multiple booms extending from it then it's likely experimental, stealth or a prank.  If the object is triangular it is likely to be a UAV or stealth aircraft.  If it is a glowing orb during a thunderstorm then congratulations...you may be one of the few to see "ball lightening".  If it has portholes that seem nearly 1/3rd or 1/2 the size of the object it is a prank.

By ruling out the obvious we are left with two basic shapes of objects reported as UFOs: cylindrical; and saucer.  There have been very few sightings of large round objects.

If the Nazi Germany information is true then perhaps the "saucer" objects are terrestrial.

Cylindrical objects have been seen in the sky for decades with minor variations.  The dominate cylindrical objects are described as "cigar" shaped with a diffused indiscernible surface giving a glowing effect.  Every sighting of such an object reported a slightly tapered tail end of the craft with a faint trail being left behind - this would indicate some kind of propulsion system.  In a few more recent (last 20 years) reports objects like this have been described with a bulging midsection.  This partular photo has been plagiarized by many - it was actualy photographed around Holloman AFB in 1957 looking towards Alamogordo.

These objects have been reported as slowly crossing the sky leading many to think they may be a dirigible or lenticular cloud.  Neither are suitable solutions for an object that appears to have a slight contrail at the tapered end.  Sighting reports have never described seeing any part of the surface of the object only the diffused area that totally surrounds it.  If the object is real it is likely generating an energy or magnetic field that immediately interacts with the surrounding atmospheric molecules.  If a ship could generate a magnetic field of sufficient strength it would not need much of another propulsion system.